Daily Kos: Richard Engel on Trump Meeting: “Everything Putin could Have Asked for and More”

The following is an excellent article written by Eric Nelson on the Daily Kos on July 8, 2017 titled “Richard Engel on Trump Meeting: “Everything Putin Could Have Asked for and More”” and I quote:

Richard Engel reporting on G20 Summit. Trump gave Putin he could have asked for and more

Richard Engel from G20 with a special report aired on TRMS

       — Rachel Maddow | July 7th, 2017

   Richard Engel, NBC News chief foreign correspondent, reports on the meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin at the G20 Summit, and talks with prominent Putin critic, political activist, and chess master Garry Kasparov.


The rise to power of Vladimir Putin

Richard Engel, NBC News chief foreign correspondent, reviews the history of post-Soviet Russia and the rise to power of Vladimir Putin.


Putin regime marked by graft and corruption

Richard Engel, NBC News chief foreign correspondent, looks at the criminality and corruption of the Vladimir Putin regime in Russia and the brutality committed against those who try to expose it.


Alarming pattern of mysterious political deaths in Russia

Richard Engel, NBC News chief foreign correspondent, looks at some of what one report counts as over forty mysterious political deaths in Russia in just the past three years.


Despite crackdowns, political resistance to Putin grows in Russia

Richard Engel, NBC News chief foreign correspondent, looks political and activist opposition to Vladimir Putin in Russia, growing despite the ever-present threat of crackdown and prison.


Russia makes inroads with American right via guns, religion

Richard Engel, NBC News chief foreign correspondent, and NBC’s Kelly Cobiella look at how members of the American political right are building an appreciation for Vladimir Putin through guns and Evangelical Christianity.

— there is nothing I could add to Richard Engels report that hasn’t been said before — Useful Idiot: beholden, bankrupt, corrupt and a danger to this land and all its people while the GOP cover for him

About tim074

I'm a retired dairy farmer that was a member of the National Farmer's Organization (NFO). Before going farming, I spent 4 years in the United States Air Force where I saved up enough money to get my down payment to go farming. I also enjoy writing and reading biographies and I write about myself as well as articles and excerpts I find interesting. I'm specifically interested in finances, particularly in the banking industry because if it wasn't for help from my local Community Bank, I never could have started farming which I was successful at. So, I'm real interested in the Small Business Administration and I know they are the ones creating jobs. I have been a member of Common Cause and am now a member of Public Citizen as well as AARP. I have, in the past, written over 150 articles on the Obama Blog (my.barackobama.com) and I'd like to tie these two sites together. I'm also on Twitter, MySpace and Facebook and find these outlets terrifically interesting particularly what many of these people did concerning the uprising in the Arab world. I believe this is a smaller world than we think it is and my goal is to try to bring people together to live in peace because management needs labor like labor needs management. Up to now, that hasn't been so easy to find.
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