ABC: This Week: Climate Change ‘Getting Worse Faster Than We are Mobilizing to Solve It: Al Gore

The following is an excellent interview by Jonathan Karl of former Vice President Al Gore, who was in Bill Clinton’s administration on ABC This Week on August 11, 2019 titled “Climate Change ‘Getting Worse Faster Than We are Mobilizing to Solve It’: Al Gore” and I quote:

“Climate change ‘getting worse faster than we are mobilizing to solve it’: Al Gore”

Aug 11, 2019, 9:52 AM ET

WATCH’Clearly wrong’ to think he could get through to Trump on climate change, says Gore

Former Vice President Al Gore called for unity and urgency in the American response to climate change, saying he was encouraged by growing climate activism around the world, but alarmed by what he said is the imminence of irreversible, continuing environmental damage.

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“There’s both bad news and good news,” he said in an interview with ABC News Chief White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl. “The problem’s getting worse faster than we are mobilizing to solve it. However … we now have an upsurge in climate activism.”

Gore acknowledged that climate change is “a global crisis that requires a global response,” and that to be successful, climate policies require international cooperation. But he held that the U.S. has a responsibility to facilitate this cooperation.

“The United States of America — and only the United States of America — can provide the necessary leadership to rally nations around the world to do the right thing,” he said.(MORE: 2020 Democratic candidates move to the left, become more progressive as climate change emerges as campaign issue)

ABC News Politics@ABCPolitics

Al Gore tells @jonkarl that climate change is “getting worse faster than we are mobilizing to solve it,” but the “good news” is that “we now have an upsurge in climate activism at the grassroots in all 50 states … and in every country in the world” 7329:11 AM – Aug 11, 2019Twitter Ads info and privacy476 people are talking about this

And with Democratic primary voters ranking climate change among their top five issues, 2020 candidates have made addressing it more central to their campaigns. Gore said on “This Week” that while he would not comment or advise on specific candidate’s plans, he felt encouraged that the issue has become more of a political priority for Democrats.

“I would always like to see more time devoted to it,” Gore told Karl. “But I have to say, yes I think that it’s great that there are so many of these candidates who are really making it their top priority and who are really focusing on introducing bold plans.”

PHOTO: Former Vice President Al Gore delivers a speech on the importance of renewable energy, minutes before the Governer signed the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act at Fordham Law School in Manhattan, July 18, 2019.
Former Vice President Al Gore delivers a speech on the importance of renewable energy, minutes before the Governer signed the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act at Fordham Law School in Manhattan, July 18, 2019.more +

For the Trump administration, however, the approach to climate change has included rolling back environmental protection policies, including those implemented under President Barack Obama, from repealing Obama-era regulations on methane in September 2018 to relaxing safety measures on offshore drilling in May. In 2017, Trump announced his intention to pull out of the landmark Paris climate agreement, saying it crippled American job growth and manufacturing.(MORE: Climate experts’ top 3 questions for the Democratic candidates)

Gore met in December 2016 with then-President-elect Donald Trump for a conversation on climate change and the Paris Accord and in the interview with “This Week” that he was hopeful before the meeting that even under a conservative administration, there could be progress made on climate policy. More than two years later, however, he said that were he to meet with Trump again, he would do so, “without any expectation of reasonableness or responsiveness.”

“I did think at the time that there was a chance he might change on climate when presented with the facts,” Gore said. “I was clearly wrong about that… He doesn’t want to change on it.”

PHOTO: President Donald J. Trump stops to talk to reporters and members of the media as he walks to Marine One to depart from the South Lawn at the White House on Wednesday, Aug 07, 2019 in Washington.
President Donald J. Trump stops to talk to reporters and members of the media as he walks to Marine One to depart from the South Lawn at the White House on Wednesday, Aug 07, 2019 in Washington.more +

(MORE: Protecting critical resources like forests crucial to slowing climate change: United Nations)

In the same interview, Karl asked Gore about the possibility of impeachment proceedings against Trump. The Judiciary Committee, led by Rep Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., is investigating whether to recommend articles of impeachment for what Nadler has said is “the obstructive conduct described by the special counsel.” Gore, during his vice presidency in the Clinton administration, saw impeachment proceedings from up close and said he supports the course of action Nadler has decided to pursue.

“Not seeking accountability for what appear to be credible allegations that crimes were committed, meaningful crimes, runs the risk of normalizing that behavior,” Gore said.

With impeachment on the table and climate policy virtually off it, advancing climate policy during the Trump administration could be difficult. But the surge in climate activism around the world, Gore said, is good news. He also indicated that wind and solar power were growth industries for the economy.

“This is the best way to create millions of new jobs,” he said. “This is where the economic growth of the future is to be found.””


La Vern Isely, Progressive, Overtaxed, Independent Middle Class Taxpayer, Public Citizen Member, USAF Veteran, and Lifetime VFW Member

About tim074

I'm a retired dairy farmer that was a member of the National Farmer's Organization (NFO). Before going farming, I spent 4 years in the United States Air Force where I saved up enough money to get my down payment to go farming. I also enjoy writing and reading biographies and I write about myself as well as articles and excerpts I find interesting. I'm specifically interested in finances, particularly in the banking industry because if it wasn't for help from my local Community Bank, I never could have started farming which I was successful at. So, I'm real interested in the Small Business Administration and I know they are the ones creating jobs. I have been a member of Common Cause and am now a member of Public Citizen as well as AARP. I have, in the past, written over 150 articles on the Obama Blog ( and I'd like to tie these two sites together. I'm also on Twitter, MySpace and Facebook and find these outlets terrifically interesting particularly what many of these people did concerning the uprising in the Arab world. I believe this is a smaller world than we think it is and my goal is to try to bring people together to live in peace because management needs labor like labor needs management. Up to now, that hasn't been so easy to find.
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