Daily Kos: Elizabeth Warren: They’re Not Just Afraid of Her, They’re Terrified

The following is an excellent article written by scifiowa on the Daily Kos website on February 19, 2020 titled “Elizabeth Warren: They’re Not Just Afraid of her, They’re Terrified” and I quote:

Elizabeth Warren: They’re Not just Afraid of Her, They’re Terrified

scifiowaCommunity (This content is not subject to review by Daily Kos staff prior to publication.)Wednesday February 19, 2020 · 8:00 AM CST Recommend 510  Share  Tweet212 Comments 212 New



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For decades now, our healthcare system has become less affordable and lack of access to healthcare has become more deadly. Whereas lifespans have been increasing in other industrialized countries, ours has not kept pace. Housing, childcare, and education have also become less affordable. Gun violence has gone largely unchecked and all forms of violence based on racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, and other bigotries continue to escalate. The wealth gap has reached staggering levels, with a tiny minority of people and corporations literally stealing our future and the future of those we love. Trump and the Republican Party have a goal of nothing less than destroying our democracy to hold absolute power. And of course, our planet is in crisis and we face the very real possibility of death on an unimaginable scale.

Do I point these things out because I want to generate despair? No. I point them out because the seriousness and urgency of our problems are the most compelling reasons to select Elizabeth Warren as the Democratic party nominee and the next leader of this country. She gives those of us who have come to know her tremendous hope.

The massive problems we face were not inevitable. They did not happen because of bad luck. We face them because of greed and corruption. We face them because the most selfish of the wealthy and powerful always in the end got their way. Democrat or Republican, failure to stand up to the wealthy and powerful or active complicity with them, many good people and some really bad, but never quite what we needed to turn things around, to make things right.

What is it that most terrifies the powers that be? What wakes them up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat? It’s the thought that we will finally realize the power we would have by joining together under strong principled leadership to take back from them everything that is rightfully ours.

And that is why Elizabeth Warren terrifies them so. She not only gets it, that corruption is at the heart of the problems we face. She has a detailed set of plans that are both practical and strategic to end that corruption. She has a detailed set of plans to take back the wealth we created and use it for our needs and our future. She has the gift of being a good listener. She can explain the complex problems and necessary solutions in a clear voice. She can inspire thousands at an event and touch each one personally at the same time. She can speak and be heard by anyone because she approaches each person with respect. And most importantly of all, she is not afraid. She does not fear the powerful. She does not fear the wealthy. They cannot bribe her or intimidate her or buy her into silence.

So, what are they to do? The wealthiest and most powerful of both political parties are trying to tell you that she is unelectable because that lie is all they have. The male Democratic candidates and too many in the Democratic power structure conveniently go along with that lie. Many in the powerful corporate media tell you that she has too many plans and that opens her up to criticism, but note that they never tell you about any of those plans. 

They won’t tell you that her math for using revenues from the ultra-millionaire tax to support universal childcarestudent debt relief, and other investments in our families adds up. They won’t tell you that her math and transition strategy to achieve universal healthcare have also been endorsed by Nobel Prize winning economists. They won’t tell you that she has multiple plans to make housing and education affordable, to address racism in every aspect of our society head on, and to empower workers. She has the most comprehensive plan to ensure full LGBTQ rights and to create a fully inclusive society. She addresses the needs of our veterans and military families and of rural America. And of course, she has multiple interconnected plans to address the global climate crisis.

They won’t tell you that these plans were created by listening to people suffering from the problems, compiling information from the experts, and designing and redesigning the plan as more insights were provided. Unlike most candidates, the policies are detailed and not one political consultant or wealthy interest group was invited to the table. She doesn’t just say vote for me and I’ll let you know what I’m thinking after that. She says, here is what I and those in the fight are thinking and will do. Join with us and we will fight to achieve as much as we can. If they told you any of those things, if you read even one plan or part of a plan (or just look at the list), there would be no doubt in your mind that she is arguably the most qualified candidate for president in our nation’s history.

The wealthy powerful interests and those Democrats benefitting from their largesse are trying to get you to ignore her or be afraid of her. They are working overtime trying to marginalize her for her honesty and integrity. That is a weakness they say. She won’t play the normal political games they say, and that’s a losing strategy. But what they mean is that it’s not fair to them because that’s the only game they know. How can they exhibit their endless cynicism, shallowness, and badgering criticism if she has too many strengths and not enough weaknesses? How can they deal with a politician unlike any they’ve seen before?

According to them, the fact that she won’t savage her fellow Democrats is a sign she’s not electable. Respect and civility are weaknesses they say. Compassion and understanding too. They play on our unconscious biases and fears, whispering the biggest lie of all, “a woman can’t win”. She herself would not only obliterate Trump if he dared to raise his ugly head by using her vision, intelligence and wit. Her compassion, honesty and integrity once visible to all would inspire us like no other voice can to show up and help crush him and his party to dust.

So dear readers, are you going to join with us in the fight? Are you willing to step out from behind your fear and confusion and look at her honestly? Do you want not just the promise of change but the reality as well? Will you give a few dollars to join in the fight?

In closing, it is very important to understand that supporting Elizabeth does not mean that you can’t love many things about one or more of the other candidates. I do. The simple truth, however, is that supporting Elizabeth Warren is the surest way to make the nightmare of the wealthy and powerful, our dream of a brighter future, come true.


(This definitely should help Elizabeth Warren’s fundraising. Her wealth tax is a great way to pay for the programs that she proposes BASED ON ABILITY TO PAY. They have been arguing about this since the time of President George Washington. His biggest supporter was Alexander Hamilton who was treasury secretary and appointed to tax at a fair rate for everybody so they could pay the military and their other war debts, as well as money to operate in the future. Look up the three-part excellent series on the History channel titled “Washington” which was just shown this past week.

La Vern Isely, progressive, Overtaxed, Independent Middle Class Taxpayer, Public Citizen Member, USAF Veteran, and Lifetime VFW Member

About tim074

I'm a retired dairy farmer that was a member of the National Farmer's Organization (NFO). Before going farming, I spent 4 years in the United States Air Force where I saved up enough money to get my down payment to go farming. I also enjoy writing and reading biographies and I write about myself as well as articles and excerpts I find interesting. I'm specifically interested in finances, particularly in the banking industry because if it wasn't for help from my local Community Bank, I never could have started farming which I was successful at. So, I'm real interested in the Small Business Administration and I know they are the ones creating jobs. I have been a member of Common Cause and am now a member of Public Citizen as well as AARP. I have, in the past, written over 150 articles on the Obama Blog (my.barackobama.com) and I'd like to tie these two sites together. I'm also on Twitter, MySpace and Facebook and find these outlets terrifically interesting particularly what many of these people did concerning the uprising in the Arab world. I believe this is a smaller world than we think it is and my goal is to try to bring people together to live in peace because management needs labor like labor needs management. Up to now, that hasn't been so easy to find.
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